What jobs will I be prepared for?
CareerWorks Minneapolis is a partnership with the City of Minneapolis' Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult Program which prepares jobseekers for highly in-demand job industries, including careers in healthcare, IT, manufacturing, construction, and administrative or professional services.
What certifications will I earn?
Certifications vary by industry. Some examples include Phlebotomy, Certified Nursing Assistant, Commercial Driver's License (CDL), Project Management (CAPM/PMP), and Marketing. Available certifications are dependent on labor market trends. For example, CareerWorks prioritizes certifications for high-growth fields/jobs and may not be able to fund certifications for lower or poor-growth fields/jobs.
What other opportunities are included?
Services also include career counseling, free computer lab access, resume writing assistance, skills assessment, and jobseeking workshops.