Students in classroom

Loring Nicollet


High School

Mission Statement

Loring Nicollet Alternative High School (LNAS) is based on respect for all individuals, regardless of race, sex, class, sexual orientation, ethnic background, religious, or political beliefs, age, ability, or looks. LNAS aims to be a safe place for all students, with student and staff cooperation. 


School Benefits
  • 15:1 student to teacher ratio.
  • Receive a Minneapolis Public Schools diploma.
  • Exposure to employment and educational opportunities beyond high school.
  • Opportunity for college courses through Minneapolis College's D3 Program.
  • Community building activities and field trips.
  • Work-based learning opportunities. 
  • Electives include cooking, Jobs for America's Graduates, Thai boxing, life skills, and art.
  • Therapists on-site Monday - Friday.
  • Case management and support for students through Hennepin County's Plus Program.
Ribbon Icon

Students 10th - 12th grade are eligible to enroll at LNAS. (LNAS student body is generally 17 - 21 years old.) Shadowing days are scheduled for interested students. 

Please note that the school often has a waitlist.

To enroll:

Pencil icon

Student Resources

Struggling with housing or homelessness?

Click the link below to know your rights!

Student Rights

Connect with LNAS Staff

Please connect with LNAS Staff for any information and updates you need!


Lead Teacher:

Casey Wahl –