MERC graduates

MERC Alternative School

Mission Statement

MERC Alternative School supports students’ growth into skilled and productive citizens capable to succeeding and making positive contributions in the community, in their professional endeavors, and in their family life. MERC strives to guide student to make safe choices in all aspects of their lives. 

School Benefits
  • Minneapolis Public Schools diploma when credit and other requirements are satisfied
  • Small class sizes
  • Careers class to help students connect with employment
  • Work Based Learning School - ability to award credit for those who are working 
  • Ability to take classes at MCTC for college and high school credit (D3 program)
  • Ability to earn credit by completing projects  (Project Based Learning) 
  • Students can earn credit though online classes (IS)
  • Aid with FAFSA, college applications, and testing 
Students 10-12th grade are eligible to enroll at MERC (through 20 years old). Anyone wanting to apply to attend MERC should contact Lead Teacher Sheri Langevin at:
  • 612.872.2777