Kids Painting

Our Evaluation


Passion for Results

What makes our model different 

We are at the leading edge of outcomes tracking and program improvement; creating measurable, tangible, and superior outcomes. 

We believe that a culture of learning and thoughtful evaluation leads to stronger services and stronger communities.


INSIGHT: Strengthening the Community Through Evaluation


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We maintain dedicated in-house expertise to guide our work defining and measuring outcomes. Additionally, we have an internal team focused on data analysis and evaluation.

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We take time to formulate thoughtful questions about each program's impact. We are committed to culturally responsive, inclusive, and flexible evaluation.

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We convene regularly to review program results, challenge one another, and identify opportunities to achieve more.

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Monthly evaluation in each program tells us whether we're on track.

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Evaluation is embedded within programming, rather than a stand-alone process.

Top Results


Long-Term Jobs

84% of those placed in jobs retained their employment for 12 months or more.

Stable Housing

98% of residents maintained stable housing for 24 months or more.